Farang Cuisine

Farang Cuisine

There are some cooking secrets we can share, and others, depending of the cook, master over her hot stove. Those famous meals, often served during private diner’s delight guests. Sometimes, if requested, the Chef can invest your kitchen to bring a precious last touch to your meals…


CouscousContact me

Two formulas for 3 or 6 persons
You can choose Chicken, Merguez, Lamb, meatballs.

Maffé (Senegal)

Maffé (Senegal)Contact me

With chicken or Lamb, the Maffé is a traditional meal from Senegal cooked with a peanut sauce, small eggplants okra (Mak Meuak)
If you like you can sprinkle it with grilled hot spice (delivered in a little bag). Steamed rice as an accompaniment

Yassa (Senegal)

Yassa (Senegal)Contact me

With chicken or Lamb, the Yassa is a classical meal from Senegal cooked with onion & lime marinade served with onions & green olives in a delicious sauce and steamed rice as an accompaniment. grilled hot spice (delivered in a little bag) for a complete pleasure...

Beef Carbonade

Beef Carbonade6,5 usd / pers.

The real Belgium recipe

Coq au vin

Coq au vin8 usd / pers.

If you want real Coq au Vin, you need a real coq, powerful wine, a cool night, and then with morning comes inspiration ... the master touch !

Chicken forestière

Chicken forestière6,5 usd / pers.

As we all know ‘forestière’ implies mushrooms, these are local. A marvel !

Chicken Tarragon

Chicken Tarragon5,5 usd / pers.

Good old french family recipe. Did you know tarragon comes from the steppes of Siberia and China ? Nothing beats tarragon cream on a tender Lao chicken.

1001 nights Chicken

1001 nights Chicken30 usd

Price for 6. Very old recipe from Omeyyade emprire, 1001 nights chicken is, as you might expect, worth of legend. Spices and honey, roasted and gilded like a coin, it is stuffed with semolina and precious stones such as raisins, peppers and other diamonds...

Chicken Tagine with Olives and lemon

Chicken Tagine with Olives and lemon5,5 usd / pers.

Iranian sassafras and spices from Maghreb, Khonsavanh knows the spice roads...

Duck à l'orange

Duck à l'orange5,5 usd / pers.

Duck à l'orange come in a thousand ways. This is Khonsavanh’s ... with real oranges!

Duck Turnip

Duck Turnip5,5 usd / pers.

Another French cuisine classic, claiming 300 years of history with it’s creation by François Pierre de La Varenne (1618/1678). Tradition with... la Khonsavanh touch !

Duck Magret à la forestière

Duck Magret à la forestière5,5 usd / pers.

Roasted duck forestière, the subtlelty of the undergrowth fragrance ...

Duck Magret Mango Sauce

Duck Magret Mango Sauce5,5 usd / pers.

Mango and duck, a mouth watering combination.

Duck à la Toulousaine with white beans

Duck à la Toulousaine with white beans5,5 usd / pers.

Toulouse, unmissable cassoulet, with ‘mogettes’ ...

Alsacian Smocked Palette

Alsacian Smocked Palette15 usd / Kg

So simple ! With some french fries and a few beers, everyone will agree ! For those who know, Khonsavanh also knows how to prepare the real Schiffala, Alsace style ...

Stuffed Frogs

Stuffed Frogs2 usd / pers.

Khonsavanh’s creation... !

Gratin Dauphinois

Gratin Dauphinois10 usd

Price for 6 servings. A potatoe side dish classic.

Beans with almonds

Beans with almonds8 usd

Price for a big dish. An american specialty often ordered by our anglosaxon friends... Considering how delicious Lao green beans are, it is a treat.

Pommes dauphines

Pommes dauphines8 usd

Price for 6 servings. Duchesses or dauphines ? Let’s day Dauphines and leave the Duchess in her castle...